Clickstart's Top 10 Fave Puppy Products


What’s more exciting than a new puppy!? Maybe winning the lottery, but in our professional opinion, gaining a puppy is basically just that. This year we are so excited to welcome a new addition to the Clickstart family: a female golden retriever puppy! Our trainer Liv is beginning their journey to raise and train a new puppy with the goal of (fingers crossed) becoming a working assistance dog.

Raising a puppy is a ton of work no matter what, but having a good, functional setup can help reduce the headache. We highly recommend setting up your home and future puppy’s space well ahead of time to prevent unwanted behaviors and keep everyone successful. 


Here is a real list of the top 10 items Liv will be purchasing in preparation for their new puppy! While this list is by no means comprehensive (puppy parenting is tragically expensive), these are the products that jump to the top of a professional trainer’s list. For the sake of full transparency, the affiliate links embedded help support our small business with monetary kickbacks.

  1. Playpen & Floor Protection
    Management is one of the most important things when it comes to puppies! New pups are brand new to navigating the world, and it’s up to us to set them up with a safe space to prevent destructive chewing, minimize play biting, expedite potty training, and preserve the sanity of all resident humans and adult pets.

  2. Adaptil
    This product is designed to help soothe dogs and puppies by mimicking the maternal canine pheromones. There is some research that demonstrates efficacy, especially when it comes to dog/cat integrations. (Liv has two resident felines, so this is especially important!)

  3. Heartbeat puppy
    The day you bring your new puppy home is a huge and potentially stressful transition. Your puppy is in a brand new place away from their parents and littermates for the very first time. Products like this heartbeat puppy can help provide some extra comfort as they settle into their new family.

  4. West Paw Design Stuffable food toys
    Puppies are little balls of energy and teeth (think alligator mixed with the tasmanian devil of Looney Toons fame.) Giving your puppy safe and productive outlets like chewing, licking, and chasing food puzzles will be a lifesaver, trust us on this one.

  5. Toys! So many toys! You can never have too many!
    However much you think puppies bite, double it. It’s completely normal for an inquisitive, teething puppy to try and put their mouth on everything. Have a generous, rotating selection of toys at the ready to direct your baby shark onto during the biting phase.

  6. Pet backpack
    Appropriate socialization is non-negotiable for puppies, especially during their critical socialization window which closes before they complete their vaccines. A puppy backpack, pet stroller, or wagon (depending on the size of your pup) are great options for safely exposing them to novelty without the risk of illness.

  7. Camera Monitor
    Home alone skills are so important to gradually introduce to new puppies. While you are working on desensitizing your pups to being away from you for short periods of time, you’ll want some kind of camera to monitor them. This allows you to make sure every departure is as stress-free as possible!

  8. Bully buddy
    Remember how we mentioned that puppies bite a lot? Well, they also chew a lot. There are tons of edible chews on the market (when in doubt, chat with your vet about the safest options for your individual puppy.) No matter what type of chew, having a chew holder can reduce the risk of your puppy consuming too much at once, or swallowing hazardous chunks as they get towards the end.

  9. Nature’s Miracle cleaning products
    Accidents happen! Even with the most careful potty training schedule, your puppy is bound to have accidents here and there in the house. Just take your deep breaths, stay the course, and clean up any messes with an enzymatic product.

  10. Treats! Lots of treats!
    Puppies have a lot to learn! Of course a trainer is going to have plenty of treats on their puppy shopping list. Treats are helpful for potty training, building foundation skills, socialization, you name it! When in doubt, throw food.


We hope you’re all as excited for lots of new puppy content as we are! Did you or someone in your life recently add a puppy to their life? Good news, you can now claim a free copy of our Clickstart Puppyhood eBook! Happy New Year, and as always, happy training!

Olivia Healy